When a vehicle reaches the end of its useful life, deregistering a car is one of the most demanded procedures. For this reason, in this post we explain the steps to permanently cancel a car.
How to deregister a car
It is important to know how to deregister a car. One of the most recommended options is to go to an Authorized Vehicle Treatment Center. There they will be in charge of managing the treatment of our vehicle in an integral way. They will process the withdrawal completely and inform the DGT directly.
To carry out this process we will only need the vehicle that is going to be deregistered and the documentation of the car and its owner. Carrying the ITV, card, along with the circulation permit is enough. In the event that the owner has died, it would also be necessary to include a declaration of responsibility from the owner together with the rest of the documentation for the vehicle itself.
The cost of the procedure is completely free and will allow the client to save the procedure of having to go to the Traffic offices. Once the vehicle has been deregistered, it will be completely destroyed. It is important that we keep the certificate of destruction of the vehicle and the proof of cancellation. It is the documentation that will allow us to demonstrate to the Public Administration that said procedure has been carried out.

The only exception is vehicles cataloged as historical that carry out a different procedure. It is important that the car does not have any seal before proceeding to its destruction.
In conclusion, deregistering a car is of vital importance in order to renew our vehicle. In addition, it is a totally agile procedure that we manage. At Desguaces El Malagueño we have a team of professionals to advise all our clients and, in this way, be able to quickly complete the process.
If you are thinking of deregistering your vehicle or need any used spare part, do not hesitate and ask us:
More information https://www.desguaceelmalagueno.es/en/contact/